Software changes and maintenance for ABB SattLine - Waterschap Brabantse Delta

Clean Water

Brabantse Delta

Brabantse Delta Conservancy is responsible for maintaining safe dikes and quays, treating sewage water, improving and monitoring the quality of the surface water, and controls the heights of the water in middle and west Brabant, the Netherlands.

For many years, Batenburg IAS has been taking care of the automation of the sewage treatment plant of Bath. This sewage treatment plant is completely automated with ABB SattLine. We regularly carry out software changes in the existing installation for this sewage treatment plant. Projects of the past years include adjusting the aluminium dosing, the sludge heating, the screening and the biogas conditioning. For these projects, Batenburg IAS was mostly commissioned by the installers Cegelec, Hoppenbrouwers and Modderkolk.

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